Install ======= GraphVite can be installed from either conda or source. You can also easily install the library on `Google Colab`_ for demonstration. .. _Google Colab: Install from conda ------------------ To install GraphVite from ``conda``, you only need one line. .. code-block:: bash conda install -c milagraph -c conda-forge graphvite cudatoolkit=$(nvcc -V | grep -Po "(?<=V)\d+.\d+") By default, this will install all dependencies, including ``PyTorch`` and ``matplotlib``. If you only need embedding training without evaluation, there is an alternative with minimum dependencies. .. code-block:: bash conda install -c milagraph -c conda-forge graphvite-mini cudatoolkit=$(nvcc -V | grep -Po "(?<=V)\d+.\d+") Install from source ------------------- First, clone GraphVite from GitHub. .. code-block:: bash git clone cd graphvite Install compilation and runtime dependencies via ``conda``. .. code-block:: bash conda install -y --file conda/requirements.txt Compile the code using the following directives. If you have ``faiss`` installed from source, you can pass ``-DFAISS_PATH=/path/to/faiss`` to ``cmake``. .. code-block:: bash mkdir build cd build && cmake .. && make && cd - Finally, install Python bindings. .. code-block:: bash cd python && python install && cd - Install on Colab ---------------- First, install Miniconda on Colab. .. code-block:: bash !wget -c !chmod +x !./ -b -p /usr/local -f Then we install GraphVite and some tools for Jupyter Notebook. .. code-block:: bash !conda install -y -c milagraph -c conda-forge graphvite \ python=3.6 cudatoolkit=$(nvcc -V | grep -Po "(?<=V)\d+\.\d+") !conda install -y wurlitzer ipykernel Load the installed packages. Now you are ready to go. .. code-block:: python import site site.addsitedir("/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages") %reload_ext wurlitzer