Customize Routine

For advanced developers, GraphVite also supports customizing routines, such as training and prediction. Here we will illustrate how to add a new routine to the knowledge graph solver.

Before we start, it would be better if you know some basics about the index and threads in CUDA. In GraphVite, the threads are arranged in a group of 32 (warp). Threads in a group works simultaneously on an edge sample, where each thread is responsible for computation in some dimensions, according to the modulus of the dimension.

First, get into include/instance/gpu/knowledge_graph.h. This file includes several training functions and a prediction function.

template<class Vector, class Index, template<class> class Model, OptimizerType optimizer_type>
__global__ void train(...)

template<class Vector, class Index, template<class> class Model, OptimizerType optimizer_type>
__global__ void train_1_moment(...)

template<class Vector, class Index, template<class> class Model, OptimizerType optimizer_type>
__global__ void train_2_moment(...)

template<class Vector, class Index, template<class> class Model>
__global__ void predict(...)

The 3 implementations correspond to 3 categories of optimizers, as we have seen in Customize Routine. Routines with different numbers of moment statistics are separated to achieve maximal compile-time optimization.

Let’s take a look at a training function. Generally, the function body looks like

for (int sample_id = thread_id / kWarpSize; sample_id < batch_size; sample_id += num_thread / kWarpSize) {
    if (adversarial_temperature > kEpsilon)
        for (int s = 0; s < num_negative; s++)
            normalizer += ...;

    for (int s = 0; s <= num_negative; s++) {
        model.forward(sample[s], logit);
        prob = sigmoid(logit);

        gradient = ...;
        weight = ...;
        sample_loss += ...;
        model.backward<optimizer_type>(sample[s], gradient);

The outer loop iterates over all positive samples. For each positive sample and its negative samples, we first compute the normalizer of self-adversarial negative sampling, and then perform forward and backward propagation for each sample.

For example, if we want to change the negative log likelihood to a mean square error, we can change the following lines.

gradient = 2 * (logit - label);
sample_loss += weight * (logit - label) * (logit - label);

Or we can use a margin-based ranking loss like

model.forward(samples[num_negative], positive_score); // the positive sample

for (int s = 0; s < num_negative; s++) {
    model.forward(samples[s], negative_logit);
    if (positive_score - negative_score < margin) {
        sample_loss += negative_score - positive_score + margin;
        gradient = 1;
        model.backward<optimizer_type>(sample[s], gradient);
        model.backward<optimizer_type>(sample[num_negative], -gradient);

We may also add new hyperparameters or training routines. Note if we change the signature of the function, we should also update its calls accrodingly. For knowledge graph, they are in train_dispatch() and predict_dispatch() of file include/instance/knowledge_graph.cuh.